

Scholastic Inc. New York, NY

Staff Software Engineer
Jul 2021 - Present

  • Implemented Test Driven Development (TDD) for developing server-side web services in Java using frameworks like Spring / Spring Boot, relational, and NoSQL data platforms, including MSSQL Server & MongoDB.

  • Migrated a legacy Python 2 application responsible for delivering vendor data over various channels such as SFTP, FTP, and SMB to Python 3, leading to improved uptime, increased the test coverage from 0 % to 96%, and also improved business agility by decoupling & externalizing delivery configuration from code.

  • Redesigned & parallelized a Java-based synchronization solution reducing sync time from 40 minutes to under 5 minutes.

  • Prepared and leveraged existing continuous integration pipelines using Git, SonarQube, Snyk, Jenkins, and Maven and standardized CI/CD for over 9 applications.

  • Revamped various Java-based producer/consumer messaging applications as part of a company-wide Kafka upgrade leading to improved performance & doubling the throughput for some applications.

  • Enhanced & maintained core REST Services written in Java / Spring Boot consumed by numerous internal business units & external consumers for accessing product data.

  • Configured alerts & dashboards using SumoLogic & DataDog for monitoring and debugging production systems.

  • Added unit tests & integration tests using testing frameworks such as JUnit 4 / Jupiter, Cucumber & Mockito.

  • Actively identified & remediated vulnerabilities using SonarQube and Snyk.


Programming Languages: Java, Python, JavaScript, Bash.
Frameworks: Spring & Spring Boot, Apache Camel, Django, FastAPI, Express, Gatsby.
Tools & Technologies: Spring Integration, Spring Web, Spring REST, JPA, Hibernate, Swagger, Maven, Kafka, Apache ActiveMQ, poetry, pytest, node.js, React, XML, JSON, YAML, Postman, SQL, HTML5, CSS3, Bootstrap 4, Markdown, VCS (Git), GitHub, BitBucket, TestNG, JUnit 4 / Jupiter (JUnit 5), Mockito, Cucumber, REST Assured, Gherkin, Selenium / Webdriver, Jira, Snyk, SonarQube, Jenkins, GitHub Actions, NoSQL (MongoDB), RDBMS (PostgreSQL, MySQL), SQLalchemy, Heroku, Docker, NGINX, Tomcat, AWS (S3, EC2, SES, CloudFront, etc.), Digital Ocean, Eclipse, IntelliJ, VSCode.
Operating Systems: Windows, macOS (OSX), Various GNU/Linux distributions.
Certifications: Oracle Certified Professional: Java SE 11 Developer


  • Engineered and containerized a URL shortener using FastAPI (Python 3), poetry, SQLAlchemy, Redis, and Docker.
  • Implemented features to allow users to shorten and retrieve URLs, employed swagger for REST API documentation, applied CI/CD using GitHub actions, kept test coverage above 90%, and added caching using Redis.

Cthulhu Text

  • Coded and containerized a Zalgo text generator using Java (17), Spring Boot, and Docker.
  • Crafted REST endpoints for Zalgo text generation, used swagger for REST API documentation, and applied CI/CD using GitHub actions with test coverage above 95%.

Simple Tweet, CodePath

  • Developed an Android application that uses the Twitter REST API using Android Studio.
  • Created features allowing users to view their Twitter Timeline, create new Tweets, and refresh their timeline.


Queens College (QC), City University of New York (CUNY)

Bachelor of Arts in Computer Science | GPA 3.96 / 4.00 | Dec 2020

  • Honors: Graduated Summa Cum Laude, Loren Scholarship Recipient, Dean's List (Presidential Scholar).